Just read an interesting piece on the Chicago 2016 bid in In These Times. Mischa Gaus, a Chicago-based writer, wrote “The Olympic Hustle,” a piece about what the Games could do to the city. He highlights it with a bit of history about what previous Olympics have done to its host cities.
It’s an interesting piece. Not one I’d necessarily write, given the magazine’s history, but good nonetheless.
On the opposite end of the editorial spectrum, Kathy Bergen of the Chicago Tribune reported today that L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa co-signed a resolution supporting the city’s Olympic bid. Others signing the resolution were Trenton Mayor Douglas Palmer, president of the United States Conference of Mayors; Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, chair of the USCM committee on tourism, arts, parks, entertainment and sports; and Richard M. Daley.