Digital Strategy Media news

OMNT Q&A: Dan Schneider, Denver Post

About a month ago, I wrote about my experiences creating single-topic Tumblr blogs. Since I’m a news industry vet, it got me thinking about how news organizations are using Tumblr, and what they’re getting out of it.

Dan Schneider, SM producer for the Denver Post, was kind enough to answer my questions for Old Media, New Tricks. Check out Dan’s Q&A here.

Media news

Tidbit of the Day: New York Times and Chicago Tribune have greatest Twitter reach

Great little list. I didn’t even know of twInfluence.

Media news

Tidbit of the Day: Quoted in MarketingSherpa

Rob Quigley, the Web editor for the Austin American-Statesman, and I were quoted in this MarketingSherpa article about — surprise — mainstream media using Twitter.

Rob stole the show completely, but I got the kicker quote.

Anyway, we may or may not have something cooking. So stay tuned…

Media news

Tidbit of the Day: Quoted in Advertising Age

The piece, “Google, Yahoo Become Print’s Allies,” by Nat Ives, is about newspapers’ new media efforts. Nat asked me about the Chicago Tribune’s social media work.

Who else was mentioned? My good friend Colonel Tribune.

Who would’ve thought: Daniel B. Honigman, panelist, speaker, lecturer — and now quoted in a major industry publication?

My parents would be proud, I think. I just wish they were still around.

Media news

Tidbit of the Day: Moving on up to Tribune Interactive

Tribune Interactive logo

About five months ago, I announced my transition to the Chicago Tribune.

While I was there, I helped the Tribune with some things in the social media space.

Now comes a bigger challenge: figuring how to do this across multiple Tribune Company properties. My title will pretty much remain the same, but I’m moving on up to Tribune Interactive, where I will help plan and oversee social media initiatives all over the country, all while attempting new things here in Chicago.

It’s an interesting challenge, and one I look forward to. Stay tuned!

Media news

Tidbit of the day: More (digital) ink – FaceReviews

Okay, now it’s getting ridiculous. Rodney Rumsford from FaceReviews is getting in on the action.

I wasn’t quoted for this one, but it’s good to see that the Colonel has Rodney’s Twitter seal of approval!

Media news

Tidbit of the Day: Now featured on Mashable, Techdirt

Some more press here and here. Cool!

Media news

Tidbit of the Day: Colonel Tribune — and yours truly — featured in the Huffington Post

Unfortunately, the Colonel couldn’t quite make the photo shoot himself, but we were able to sneak him in. You can read the story here.

Media news Video of the Day

Video of the Day: Interview with Andy Sernovitz

I did an interview a couple of months ago with word-of-mouth marketing evangelist Andy Sernovitz about the social media work I’ve been doing over at the Chicago Tribune.

Well, he posted the video portion of our interview. Enjoy:

Media news Video of the Day

Video of the Day: Chicago New Media Summit launch event (CNMS08)

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