Digital Strategy

Digital Strategy Quick-Take: Apple Maps

At the recent WWDC 2012 conference Apple recently announced, among other things, the inclusion of a native maps application in its upcoming iOS 6 release.

According to a recent Comscore study, more than53 percent of iPhone users access their maps, compared with more than 39 percent for Android users.

What does this mean for your business?

Check out the full post over at the LoSasso Blog.

Digital Strategy

My two cents: The NBA Social Media Awards

NBA Social Media AwardsLater tonight, the NBA will host inaugural Social Media Awards, an event that will surely make ripples both online and off.

It’s clear the NBA recognizes the value of the digital chatter surrounding its brand, its players and its games. Many of the award categories – “The EPIC Award” and “The LOL Award” are just two of them – capitalize on social media memes and lingo.

The NBA is right to highlight its fans this way; these awards are a sports industry first. However, there’s a lot more that could be done.

Check out the full post on the LoSasso Blog.